Do you want to experience comfort, safety and regain confidence?

I’m Sunandha Karthik, I help you heal from anxiety, stress & trauma safely and confidentially without it taking forever!

Free NLP Masterclass On Managing Stress & Anxiety

Experience and learn tools to become free from Anxiety.

Do you want to live an abundant life filled with freedom, happiness and vibrant health? Is this what you seek?

On the surface you have it all, a perfectly happy home, a well-paying job or a successful business. You eat clean & exercise.

Yet, your energy level is low and you possibly have a medical ‘label’.  Have you paused to connect this with how you feel on the inside?  Do you wonder why you often feel anxious, angry, tired and exhausted? Perhaps, you feel guilty you are unable to cherish all that you have. Maybe you feel a little helpless and sometimes a little hopeless. You just wish you could get your energy back and live an abundant life.

Have you ever wondered if there is a solution to this? I have been exactly where you are now, in the past, and so, ‘YES’ there is a way forward.

Certified EFT, NLP & Reiki Practioner Dubai

Hello! I am Sunandha Karthik, Dubai based Reiki Energy Healer, Teacher & Empowerment Coach.

Allow me to partner with you so we can start to unlock what’s holding you back from truly cherishing your life.

As a coach, I help you uncover and balance emotions held from deep rooted past negative events, that prevent you from living in abundance. As an energy healer, I work with your energy body clearing energetic debris, cords and trapped emotions to balance your energy levels.

I teach you techniques to self – heal with Reiki, Karuna Reiki & Magnified Healingequipping you with practical tools and resources to heal at the deepest level. Heal with love, forgiveness, compassion and surrender to experience freedom & happiness from within. Remember…

“What you seek, is seeking you” – Rumi.

Open the Gateway to Reiki Energy Healing In Dubai

Learn from me

Learn Self – healing tools. Awaken
your innate healing ability

Heal With Me

Become a part of my signature

Free Introduction To EFT

FREE ONLINE event on
Emotional Freedom Technique

What is Reiki Healing

Reiki is a powerful yet gentle method to open, clear, and rebalance your chakra system. You see the chakra system is sensitive and can get affected by your own repeated negative thoughts and negative emotions causing it to distort, misalign or become overactive or underactive. 

Reiki is a potent technique that aims to unlock and harmonize your chakra system by clearing any blockages or imbalances in it, that can cause overactivity or underactivity in the chakras—a delicate system that is easily influenced by our inner and our outer experiences.

The ideal state of a chakra system is to be internally balanced so you can receive divine cosmic energy and have balanced intuition to enable you to expand your consciousness and navigate through life’s challenges with health and vitality along with healthy attitudes and perspectives. This state of inner alignment will help you broaden your awareness and help you confront life obstacles by helping you stay in tune with a broader spiritual perspective.

When do you need a Reiki Session?

You are a spiritual being having a Human experience. In this context, there maybe times in life when things happen that can be unexpected, demanding and stressful, impacting your energy system. You may be able to cope but over time you may notice that you are not feeling as energised, motivated or aligned with yourself as you had been before the stressful circumstance came into your life. 

You may also realise that people and spaces carry energy and you may often find the certain interactions leave you feeling validated, supported and uplifted, while certain others may leave you feeling drained, depleted and de-energised.

This is when treatments using Reiki can really support you to help you recover and be at your optimum energy levels. Reiki offers a gentle but powerful way to restore your balance, replenish your energy and helps you form a connection with your deepest core – your Authentic Self.

What is reiki healing?
what to expect in a reiki healing session?

Benefits of a Reiki Healing

Mental Relaxation

Physical Energy

Clarity & focus

Emotional Support

How Reiki Healing Helps you?

Reiki healing helps in uncovering and releasing the energy blockages in the energy body, the chakras and the aura. It helps you:

Recover your Life Force Energy that may have been depleted or drained due to certain circumstances or ways of being.

Release negative emotions that may have affected your physical body leaving you feeling fresh, revitalised, positive and energised

Reiki works with the sub conscious and unconscious increasing your own awareness and helps you take more self responsibility.

Helps you step out of the victim mode and take charge of your current reality with confidence, ease and less stress

Helps you access more spiritual states of consciousness and become filled with compassion, love and forgiveness

How Reiki Healing Helps you?

Upcoming Event in Dubai

Magnified Healing® Phase 1

  • Searching for you soul purpose?
  • Your reason for taking incarnation on earth?
  • Tired of the old patterns, the endless anger, the frustration, the feeling of being limited?
  • Want to Live a Life of Joy, Freedom, Light and Love
  • Want to be part of bringing in the 5th Dimensional qualities of Pure Love, Light and Freedom into Manifestation on Earth?

If you answered “yes” Magnified Healing® is for YOU
A Heart – Based Ascension Initiation


300+ Clients

300+ satisfied clients who have regained their confidence

7+ years of experience

7+ years of experience in delivering transformative results

1700+ Reiki Sessions

Conducted 1700+ Reiki sessions with impactful healing