Do you have unexplainable phobias or fears that linger throughout your life such as fear of commitment & marriage, facing the onset of panic or anxiousness towards driving, or cannot fathom the thought of raising children or going independent with a business plan or taking a financial risk?
You might also be struggling with interpersonal conflicts and are unable to move forward in your current life because all the doors around you may seem shut. You may also be struggling with maintaining your relationships and cannot figure out why they seem more challenging than other relationships in your life, all of these problems need to be understood at a deeper level. The layers of the trauma go all the way to your past lives
Answers to all of these dwellings can be found in Akashic Records, psychological and metaphysical trauma transcends generations and multiple lives. To unlock and release the karmic debt you need to access your Akashic Records to confront and overcome your past life traumas. An Akashic Record reading will lead you to a root-level understanding of the very essence of your existence and answer the greatest question of all “Why am I here?”
In Sanskrit, “Akasha,” has several meanings that include space, ancient matter and heavens. The essence of this is reflected in the word “Akashic” as it is derived from the word Akasha.
While it doesn’t completely encapsulate its meaning, Akashic Records is in simple terms a record of every intent, thought and deed that will and has ever occurred in human history.
Akashic Records holds the past and present events of everything that has ever been and will be in all life of the universe. If you gain access to these records you connect with your truest self which helps you achieve a higher consciousness.
The theories of other realities and dimensions are very prominent in Quantum Physics and there have been decades worth of studies and research for the same. Akashic Records offers you an insight into these dimensions and realities, the concept suggests that our soul has its records, in which the lives we’ve lived in our past, our present, and our possible future are inscribed within these records.
Now the question arises are these records permanent? Well no, while the past has already happened there aren’t any changes to that however, the present and future can be changed as a person develops. The future possibilities can be hinted at but they aren’t your fortune or as some would like to call it destiny. They’re merely possibilities that are depicted in the records only to allude to people’s choices.
Which is an affirmation that you are the maker of your destiny. The Akashic Records offer you a favourable outcome as it provides you with all the information you need to make better choices.
For a soul to keep building records of its past lives it must re-incarnate several times over several lives, hence the concept of Akashic Records is heavily based upon re-incarnation. To begin with your journey towards this knowledge you must acknowledge all the lives you have lived and may live, its cycle of death and rebirth. Akashic Records is also a comforting concept to those who struggle with grief over the ending void of nothingness after death, which is just a journey towards another cycle of life completely different from this one but not entirely detached from the Karma of the past.
An inscription in time that is Akashic Records is a source of every emotion, every thought, every decision you’ve made, but it isn’t a scale of judgement, but just records of your journey. Accessing these records helps you identify the mistakes of your past and learn from the experiences.
Akashic Records isn’t unique to one culture or demographic, it has existed through several ancient civilisations from one corner of the world to another. While the concept remains the same it caped itself in different names across different cultures, it is important to note that it doesn’t oppose or contradict any religion and neither it is a religion on its own. However, they have been mentioned in Hinduism and Christianity.
Akashic Records have been mentioned in Christianity and Judaism as the Book of Remembrance or the Book of Living. The concept of these books is that they record the names of people who have lived righteously and will be spared from the last judgment if they are mentioned in those records.
In Islam, Akashic Records presents itself as the Book of Decrees or Preserved Tablet that includes all the events, thoughts and intents to ever existed since the dawn of time. The difference in the interpretation of these records from other Akashic Records is that every individual has an assigned angel that records their deeds. Who resides with them throughout their lifetime and records every deed over the course.
The first civilisation to mention the concept is Egyptians, there has been evidence of it in several scrolls and texts encoded in hieroglyphs. It mentioned that high priests or certain people could tap into their spiritual powers and access these records. In modern society, people who can tap into these records are often referred to as spiritual leaders, mediums and healers.
In ancient Egypt, Seshat the goddess was known as the “Keeper of the Library” for Akashic Records, which was also referred to as “Repository of Thoth.”
Thoth is an Egyptian God of Time Travelling, Wisdom and Writing. He is also a keeper of Akashic Records and helps access the Records as he holds the records of past, present and future.
In ancient India, the sages of the Himalayas believed in the existence of Akashic Records, and that if people focused their energies enough they could access these records and read them. This belief became a stepping stone for palm leaf reading in India. The palm is said to have a part of these Akashic Records and everyone has a specific leaf that can be read to access their Records.
In Mayan culture, it was common knowledge and the high priest and priestess that could access these records would often share their knowledge with the people of the community to help guide them through life and achieve higher consciousness and enlightenment. Mayans made the greatest contribution towards Akashic Records by creating their Sacred Prayer that helps people access the Records in a deep state of focus.
1.Self-discovery: Akashic readings help you explore your soul’s journey and discover your true purpose in life.
2.Healing: By accessing the Akashic records, you can identify and heal past traumas or unresolved issues that may be affecting your present life.
3.Spiritual growth: These readings offer deep spiritual insights, helping you expand your consciousness and connect with your higher self.
4.Clarity: Akashic readings bring clarity to confusing situations, allowing you to make informed decisions and choices in your life.
5.Relationship guidance: They can provide valuable insights into your relationships, helping you understand dynamics and improve communication.
6.Past life exploration: Akashic readings allow you to explore your past lives, gaining a deeper understanding of your soul’s journey.
7.Manifestation: By aligning with the information in the Akashic records, you can manifest your desires and create a more fulfilling life.
8.Empowerment: These readings empower you to take control of your life, make positive changes, and embrace your true potential.
9.Soul connections: Akashic readings can help you recognize and nurture soul connections with others, creating deeper and more meaningful relationships.
10.Divine guidance: Through the Akashic records, you can receive guidance and wisdom from higher realms, helping you navigate life’s challenges with grace.
When you access the Akashic Records, you might be able to uncover past-life experiences, karmic ties, or even soul contracts that are influencing your current life. By understanding these factors, you can gain clarity and insight into why you’re facing these recurring challenges.
Once you have this understanding, you can start working on releasing those blockages and making positive changes in your life. It’s like unravelling a mystery and finding the key to unlock your potential!
My practice is based in Dubai, however these sessions are available online and offline. The sessions start with communicating about your problems and the solutions you seek, then we meditate to ground ourselves as I connect to your Akashic Records. My guides will direct me to perform healing or cleansing of energy if needed.
Every reading is an intimate, unique and individual experience, hence it is tailored to your personal needs and interests. If you want to connect for a service please book an appointment today!
Some wounds scar you for more than one lifetime. As our soul goes through multiple lives, each of the experiences impacts our souls and can influence various aspects of our present existence.
Sort of like muscle memory, the unresolved issues that we carry forward into our present life can manifest as fears, phobias or recurring challenges, because despite having no memories of them our soul remembers and reacts to them like muscle memory. Exploring these past life experiences helps you gain insight into the root causes of these issues and find a path towards healing and growth.
The concept of Akashic Records is based on the belief that a human soul is indefinite and that every cycle it experiences is recorded in the Akashic Records. Knowing the journey of these past lives can help us understand certain behaviours and feelings that we often find stemming from unexplained reasons. To truly know the essence of your soul, you must look back at all the journeys your soul has taken.
Buddha believed that he had to live a thousand lives before the one he finally reached enlightenment and this concept of redemption is similar across all religions.
If you are feeling overwhelmed by little things around you like noise then it is time for you to venture deeper into yourself. We spend a lot of our lives trying to control the outward circumstances that are beyond our power when the answer lies within ourselves. Akashic Records can help you reach the root cause of these feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, trauma and depression.
1- Recent Past Life: this is the closest to your current reincarnation and may have the greatest influence on your current life
2- Significant Past Life: this refers to a life that had the greatest impact on all and the current one. The trauma you endured in that life holds a strong impact on all your lives
3- Past life of Choice: this refers to when a soul chooses to revisit life freely, if you want to understand the significance behind it you need to come back for readings.
However, past lives do have positive influences too such as being “born” with a skill or talent such as singing or being athletic. These are skills that you have developed in your previous life, an Akashic Reading into your past life will help identify your natural inclination towards a career path that you have mastered over lifetimes.
The feeling of familiarities that we experience upon meeting someone that we instantly connect to, that we often refer to as “soul ties” or the feeling of “deja vu” when we go to places we’ve never been before is all just a playback of your memory that is stored deep in your soul.
While there are never any clear explanations for these unnatural phenomena, they are dismissed as mystic occurrences. However, that special bond or spark you feel towards a certain person or a place isn’t a coincidence but proof that your soul has met or visited them before in another life. If you are new to the concept of Akashic Records this all may seem like the dots are finally connecting, and if you want to understand the deeper meanings of these connections then a reading with that intention will help you find answers.
Additionally, it can also help you have fulfilling relationships by recognising the strong connections you feel towards people you’ve just met negatively or positively, by exploring the dynamics you’ve shared in your past lives with them that can help establish a healthy relationship in present life.
When you are going into a reading, it is given that you would be filled with curiosity to explore every aspect of life, however, you mustn’t waste your time with insignificant details and focus on events that will help elevate your present life.
List out the questions you want to be answered through the reading it can be about:
1- The root cause or origin of a certain fear or phobia such as fear of heights, fear of water etc
2- Who you were in your past life and what did you do
3- Past life contracts and vows- we enter into these contracts unconsciously due to negative emotions such as trauma. If you were a witch or a healer in your past life and you were punished for it, the trauma causes you to enter a contract to block that intuition. This can cause blockages in your intuition but it can be renounced with a reading.
4- Karmic Relationships and Past Life Trauma
5- What lessons are you meant to learn?
5- What role did your current mother, father or siblings play in your past life? (If you have strained relationships with them in current a past life reading will help understand the reasons for it)
6- Is your pet a reincarnated soul too? Is it playing a vital role in your soul’s journey? (This will help in the grief of losing them)
While going into reading as a beginner is okay too, I will help narrow your queries into the important questions that will help resolve the issues you are facing in life.
If you are riddled with grief then a past life reading will help comfort you as knowing a soul continues its journey beyond its physical form and that there is always a chance to meet the ones you grieve for in another life can bring about healing to the unspeakable trauma you experience and brave through every single day of your life.
I can also tap into the Akashic Records to improve your finances by taking a deeper look into your past life’s relationship with money and financial beliefs. And if you’re a new parent struggling with the aspects of raising a child Akashic Records can also provide you with answers such as why did the kid choose you as a parent? understand the journey the souls in your kid’s bodies are going through, and understand the challenges and insecurities you face as a parent due to the kid’s behaviour.
These sessions will be tailored based on your needs and will be completely professional and inclusive. If you relate to the struggles mentioned above and are seeking answers from a greater source, book an appointment today with me. If you are in Dubai you can get a physical reading session and those who are not can get onto online sessions available based on prior bookings.
As per mystical teachings and practices, the Akashic Records isn’t a physical space, but rather a dimension of pure energy and cosmic intelligence that contains the experiential knowledge of our eternal souls.
They resemble a library or a universal computer database that catalogues all the experiences. Accessing these cosmic archives requires obtaining an expanded state of higher consciousness beyond the constraints of our body and personality.
During an Akashic Reading session, I am able to connect with the energy of Akashic Records which helps me gain insight into your records. In this meditative state, I access the high realm of consciousness and can enter the vast database of information on every soul’s journey throughout time.
Once I am connected to the realm, I can ask all the questions on your behalf. The answers that come from the other side are accurate and can enrich the seekers’ understanding of life’s purpose, challenges, relationships and opportunities.
The Akashic Records consist of three elements that come together and create a flow of the reading. These elements are focused on the receiver, reader and reading.
This can only be described as a telepathic experience of seeing words, listening to guidance or simply knowing insights that seemed to come from a divine source.
A soul may reincarnate for several reasons, some may want to fix the mistakes and patterns of their past lives, while others may want to enjoy everything life has to offer. For the soul to understand its true purpose it must re-incarnate several lives over to achieve the perfect state.
A soul’s “deeds” can affect the course of its several lives, which can be identified as Karma. Traumatic experiences or negative thoughts can create blocks in your current life, which is why it is essential to acknowledge and revise the karma of our past lives.
Chronic medical problems such as arthritis can be a signal of traumatic events like accidents in your past life. An unexplainable pain that is never diagnosed or cured despite several courses of treatment can be an indication of a trauma carried forward into this life.
It can also be evident in your relationships, a lot of people cannot have fulfilling relationships, and this could be due to past karma. If your past self felt unworthy and had negative thoughts about love it can influence your present life causing issues with maintaining healthy relationships.
By knowing your past experiences of relationship failures you can make better decisions in the present and sustain happy and positive relationships by removing the negative blockages.
There is no time like the present, recognising your negative patterns in your present life can help set straight the destructive patterns.
For a lot of people, acknowledging something has become a destructive pattern of behaviour is hard, but accessing your present records can shed light on these negative behaviours and provide a chance at reshaping your life.
Imagine yourself in a room alone with nothing but your thoughts, and if this scenario gives you anxiety because you recognise your train of thoughts would be negative and self-deprecating to the point you do not want to be left alone with yourself, then you need the help of Akashic Records to reach the root cause of these negative thoughts and emotions that constantly hold onto your mind.
The way we constantly feel about life will eventually manifest itself into that. Akashic Records are sensitive to everything we think, feel or do, hence positive thoughts will influence positive behaviours. For example, if you constantly focus on the negative aspect of a certain task, the negative connotation carries forward into the next life and doing that task will bring out all the negative emotions and energy from within you.
If you are struggling with a task, try to think “I can do this” instead of “I cannot” and this will immediately start improving the quality of your life.
“Ignorance is bliss” is often the mindset we tend to lean towards when mentioning the future. However, the fear of finding something bad we cannot go back from if we look into the future can be overcome by the comfort that it can be changed by developments in the present. Seeing the future can be enlightening and can guide your soul to become the best version of it.
The future you access are mere possibility that can change based on how you act in your present. This knowledge can provide you with a chance of healing and betterment.
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