

Reiki is a Japanese hands-on healing technique developed by Dr. Mikao Usui in the late 1800’s that is now practised all over the world. Dr. Mikao Usui led by his internal quest for finding a tool to help people have a healing technique that they could use at anytime, anywhere spent several years studying ancient texts, meditating and exploring ways to connect with divine universal energy.

His dedication was rewarded with the re-discovery of an ancient method of healing, which he called Reiki, to balance and harmonise mind, body and spirit by channelling Universal Energy.

Dr Usui lived and practised this energy healing tool, and also gave his students what he believed where the five principles to leading a physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually balanced life. His teachings which emphasised living in tune with these 5 core reiki principles shared below:

Just for today, do not anger

Just for today, do not worry

Honor your parents, teachers and elders

Be kind to all living beings

Live and work with honesty and integrity

Reiki helps transcend cultural and geographic barriers and connects with unity consciousness brining peace, healing and hope to countless people across the world. Practitioners who have learnt reiki understand its benefits and often share how beneficial learning reiki has been for them.


Reiki when channelled by the practitioner and beamed into an area, releases disturbing thoughts, feelings and emotions and brings the whole body back into balance. 

When you learn reiki, you become a channel of Source Energy. The All that is. When reiki is practiced regularly you access and regularly build your own connection to source, honour your intuition and access your own inner wisdom. Once activated, Reiki is always active in your life guiding you onto your spiritual path.


Instances where Reiki can provide assistance are as follows:

Reiki help you feel refreshed and rejuvenated when dealing with prolonged stressful situations such, as very demanding work deadlines, difficult life events that cause emotional strain and stress. 

  • Unknown Negativity: Reiki can bring in positive feelings and perspective shifts especially if you have been feeling that for some unknown reason your thoughts and feelings have become intensely negative and you are unable to cope with this negativity.
  • Emotional Overwhelm: Healing with energy healing and reiki can help you balance emotionally when you experience certain intense emotions and feel emotionally overwhelmed and struggle to manage emotions such as anger or sadness become too difficult to handle. 
  • Energy Depletion: As you receive Reiki it can rebalance and replenish your energy levels. If you’re feeling worn out or slow, without any cause, then you may wish to explore an energy treatment to help you re-balance.


  • Energy Drain: Energy healing can make you feel well from within. If you often feel drained or anxious without reason, you may be sensitive to energy and have unconsciously picked up energies that are not conducive to your overall well-being and releasing unnecessary energies can be accomplished using reiki.


  • Transitions: Reiki helps you make adjustments in life situations like relocating to a place beginning a job role or concluding a significant relationship with ease and gratitude. 

Reiki energy is known to uplift the energy of the practitioner, even when the practitioner is giving sessions to another person. It helps relieve pain, reduce symptoms of anxiety and regular self healing treatments can enhance the quality of life and boost mood.

It can help with stress headaches, tension, nausea and even insomnia. 


Once attuned to Reiki, you have access to a tool to help you access the healing benefits through self -treatments throughout life. You can even share the benefits of these energy healing treatments with your near and dear ones improving their quality of life no matter which stage of life they are in.

When you make a choice to learn reiki you are automatically committing to taking full responsibility for your well-being throughout your life. You are choosing to commit to nurture yourself, take charge of your health, and you further commit to understand deeply the connection between your mind, body, and spirit and its impact on the physical body.

When you start exploring Reiki, you may also begin to notice something remarkable: the deeper you align with this universal energy, the more attuned you become to the relationship between your physical body, thoughts, emotions, and environment. Our energy system is incredibly sensitive, and it responds to our mental and emotional states. Learning Reiki invites you to explore this connection with clarity and empowers you to support your body’s natural ability to heal and thrive.

Did you know that our bodies have amazingly sophisticated and intelligent processes to heal, repair and maintain itself in excellent health and well being?

Research shows that 98 percent of the cells in your body are replaced in within the year, so we are essentially given a new body each birthday.

So what interferes with the bodies remarkable ability to heal and restore itself?

From an energetic perspective, if you for a moment consider that your mind and body are interconnected, you will be able to see how thoughts, feelings, beliefs, diet and environment have a direct impact on the energetic system. Negative thoughts lodge into the energetic system and cause energetic imbalances. The mental negative thought you build upon create patterns that throws the energy system out of balance.

Likewise, when suppressed emotions get stored in the body and it creates negative energy blocks, which eventually lead to disease and ill health. Pain is nothing but the body’s way of communicating that something that you are doing at the mental or emotional level is no longer working.

Reiki offers a powerful way to address these imbalances. It equips you with a tool to gently release energy blocks before they crystallize into physical ailments. Even if the blocks have already formed, Reiki can help break them down, allowing your body to restore itself to health and vitality.

Reiki Levels

Reiki Level 1

When you learn Reiki, you are re-awakening your innate ability to heal. With the help of attunements you open up your energy channels to Reiki (Divine/Source energy) and you are able to draw down and access this energy to treat and heal yourself. Attunements have to be completed in person.

You have started on your path to self-healing and are re-awakening your innate healing abitilites with the help of Universal Energy. You are taught the various hand positions to help you treat yourself and others and also learn about human energetic make up including the layers of the aura and the chakra system. There are Four attunements for level 1 which will allow you to access this wonderful energy from source and raise your own vibration, connect deeply with universal energy and begin healing yourself and others.

Reiki reminds you that healing doesn’t exist outside of yourself. As you begin to understand yourself more deeply and build the connection to healing you also naturally radiate this healing to others in your environment.


Reiki Level 2

Ready to access higher levels of healing energy?

Reiki level 2 does just that. Reiki level 2 opens the energy channels more deeply and the practitioner can now send energy across distances and hence is able to do distance healings. You receive 2 attunements.

First Degree attunements focus on elevating the energy of the physical body, so that it may channel more intense healing energy, whereas Second Degree attunements work more directly on the etheric body and tend to stimulate development of the intuitive center which is located at the pituitary gland. You are taught three sacred symbols student to access and channel energy.

Each symbol has a specific purpose. Firstly, to access and send energy across distances including the past and future. Secondly, to bring into balance the mind and emotions and thirdly, to increase the power of reiki being channelled. Additional techniques for your own growth and further development are also taught at this level.

Reiki Level 3

Want to walk the path of Self – Mastery?

Reiki level 3 comes into life when you are ready to start actively working on yourself and you have a great desire to evolve as a person and shed your innate negative tendencies. It also activates the process of shedding and learning from negative baggage from past lives. To learn level 3 you must have an intense desire to pursue a path of continuous growth and learning.

With the help of the level 3 attunement, you are able to become more consciously aware of the spiritual realm and you learn advanced tools to release stubborn blocks related to health, money, relationships. You also learn how energy entanglements happen and how to release them so your energy system is free and able to function optimally.

reiki mentorship

Reiki Level 4 & 5

Walking the path of a master. Higher levels of Reiki allows you to walk the path of a master and achieve mastery of circumstances in your life. You master your life lessons and can now guide others to do the same. Reiki Masters can become spiritual teachers when they continue to work on their personal development.  Reiki starts becoming more than a mere technique, but a way of life. 

The desire and intention to grow and evolve as well as a thirst for knowledge is essential for becoming not just a teacher of reiki but an embodiment of living life guided by spiritual values of love, compassion, forgiveness and surrender.