Bach Remedy®

What can Bach Flower Remedies help you with?

Are you about to start a new job and feel extremely overwhelmed, or have a big move ahead of you, or you’re just anxious with the constantly changing dynamics within your relationships? Then Bach Flower Remedies can offer you a moment of calmness within the chaos around you!

The Bach Flower Remedies help you deal with the essential seven emotional states as described by Dr. Edward Bach, facing your fears, finding joy & hope, understanding your mind, providing space not just for yourself to live freely but for others too, living in the moment, becoming a support system for others, and having courage to stand up for yourself.

Bach Flower Remedies also focuses on healing intense emotional states such as (and not limited to):

What are Bach Flower Remedies?

Born in 1886, Dr. Edwards was a British doctor who made revolutionary discoveries in the field of natural medicine and dedicated his life to helping people find balance and harmony.

Named after himself Bach Flower Remedy was Remedies that were made from essences of different flowers and plants, and he believed that these essences could help restore emotional well-being and bring a sense of inner peace.

Dr. Bach believed that our emotions played a big role in our overall health. So, he developed a system of 38 different flower remedies, each one targeting a specific emotional state (as listed above). For example, if you’re feeling anxious, there’s a flower remedy for that. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, there’s a remedy for that too!

The whole idea behind the foundation of Bach flower remedies is to address the underlying emotions that might be causing imbalances in our bodies. By taking these remedies, it’s believed that we can find emotional harmony and support our overall well-being.

Dr. Bach’s discoveries have had a lasting impact on the field of alternative medicine which has completely reshaped the way we look at plants and flowers as natural medicinal alternatives. Worldwide people still practise these remedies to help people which goes to show how nature can provide us with incredible healing properties.

Dr. Edward Bach believed that illnesses stem from the conflict between our soul and personality, our soul’s purpose may be completely different from our personality’s actions. This inner conflict can create negative moods and lead to energy blocking that manifests as physical diseases and emotional and mental states.

These remedies work on the subtle bodies, bringing into awareness our thoughts and emotions so they maybe transformed and bring about a positive change in our approach and perspective to situations that may be present in our daily lives.

So, he formed Bach Flower Remedies, a natural therapy that derived remedies from the essences of specific flowers and plants, that are each categorically associated with a different emotional state.

I provide Bach Flower Remedies in Dubai with custom-made remedies carefully taking into consideration the recent experiences and emotional needs of an individual.


Are Bach Remedies safe?

Bach Flower is natural and complementary in form of nature and can be used along with any other forms of therapeutic practice.

Bach Flower remedies are extremely safe as they have little to no active ingredient and cause no side effects.
While a lot of these flowers are preserved in brandy, my remedies contain zero per cent alcohol and are 100% halal.

The bach remedies I use are glycerin-based and are diluted in 80% glycerin and 20% water which is suitable for anybody who wants to avoid alcohol for health or beliefs.

What happens in a session? And how are remedies selected for a client

Every client will go through a round of consultation to better understand their emotional state and concerns. These consultations are done both in person and remotely.

During consultation, I create a safe and supportive space for you to express your feelings and discuss any specific emotional challenges you may be facing.

Based on your emotional well-being, recent bouts of intense emotional distress and any specific emotional patterns that you have been experiencing, I will tailor flower essences to create the most effective treatment for you.

The Flower Remedies can be consumed orally or can be diluted in water, whichever method is the most suitable for your body.

The remedies aren’t a one-size-fits-all approach which is why you must consult us before following any flower remedies. Each flower essence resonates with your individual needs which can only be identified by professional practitioners.

My sessions offer a personalised and holistic approach to emotional well-being that provides you with the support and balance you need to navigate through challenging emotions.

You will leave a session having achieved a sense of balance and harmonised emotions. While the effects vary from person to person, the feeling of calmness and a boost in the well-being of mental health is an assured experience for every client.

Dr. Bach grouped the remedies into 7 groups. The main groups and the desciption of the remedies related to each group is listed below

bach flower remedy
Bach Flower Remedies consists of 38 remedies that include:

Rock Rose – if you experience bouts of intense fear or panic and are often overwhelmed by sudden and extreme situations, such as trauma or emergencies. Then this remedy will help you find courage, inner strength, and a sense of calm in the face of fear.

Mimulus – if you are tackling fear/phobias and anxieties such as fear of public speaking, spiders, heights etc, then this remedy will help you overcome your anxiety and fear by giving you courage and confidence.

Cherry Plum – if you have a fear of losing control of your thoughts or actions and feel overwhelmed by the intensity of your emotion, then this remedy can help you balance this fear. If you worry about losing your cool, then this remedy can help provide you with inner calm stability and balance to regain control of your life.

Aspen – if you suffer from unexplained bouts of anxiety and fear or have a constant sense of impending doom and uneasiness without any reason, then this remedy can provide you with a sense of calm and peace by helping you overcome your fears & anxieties, and providing you with inner strength and tranquillity.

Red Chestnut – if you are always worried about the well-being of your loved ones and the anxiousness of their safety and happiness cripples you with worry then this remedy will help you let go of unnecessary worry, and promote a healthier level of concern for others.


Cerato – if you are someone who has a hard time trusting your intuition and you seek validation from others, then this remedy can help you. You will be able to own your decisions and stop constantly second guessing yourself. This remedy will help tap into your inner wisdom and provide you with confidence in your judgement.

Scleranthus – if you struggle with being indecisive, find it challenging to make decisions and are often wavering between options then this remedy will help you find inner balance, clarity, and the ability to make choices with confidence.

Gentian – if you are someone who easily gets discouraged or loses hope when facing setbacks, then this remedy will provide you with an optimistic outlook and a positive mindset that will help you persevere through challenges with renewed determination

Gorse – if you have been feeling a sense of hopelessness and despair then this remedy will provide you with a sense of positiveness. That will help you embrace the possibility of changes and make you believe in brighter days ahead.

Hornbeam – if you’re facing burnout from work or in general and are mentally exhausted or lack motivation then this remedy will help with the sense of weariness by providing mental vitality and enthusiasm to approach your responsibilities with renewed vigour.

Wild Oat – if you feel uncertain or unfulfilled in your life’s path and have many talents and interests but struggle to find your true calling. Then this remedy will help you find clarity, purpose, and a sense of direction.


Water Violet – if you tend to be independent and self-reliant and prefer solitude and find it challenging to open up emotionally. Then this remedy will help you find a balance between your need for privacy and connecting with others.

Impatiens – if you easily get frustrated and are impatient and have a hard time waiting for things to happen or prefer your own pace then this remedy will help cultivate patience, tolerance, and a more relaxed approach to life.

Heather – if you tend to be talk a lot, be self absorbed and seek the company of others, and you dread being lonely, then this remedy will help you let go of your fear of being along and help you develop empathy and compassion for others so you can form a deep connection with yourself and others.

Insufficient Interest in Present Circumstances

Clematis – if you tend to be lost or daydream and have a hard time staying grounded in reality then this remedy can help you achieve those dreams and aspirations in reality by making you more grounded and engaged in present moments.

Honeysuckle – if you are stuck in the past and have difficulty moving forward from old patterns then this remedy will help you let go of the past and be more active in the present which will help you embrace new experiences and release any attachments.

Wild Rose – if you feel apathetic or resigned to your circumstances and have lost your zest for life and find it hard to feel motivated or enthusiastic. Then this remedy can help you find renewed interest, joy, and a sense of purpose.

Olive – if you are in a phase of mental and physical exhaustion due to overexertion then this remedy will help replenish your drained energy and rejuvenate your mind and body to find a sense of energy and peace.

White Chestnut –if you have a busy mind and struggle with unwanted thoughts or mental chatter and have difficulty finding peace within your mind. Then this remedy will help you find mental clarity, calmness, and a sense of inner peace.

Mustard – if you suffer from sudden bouts of sadness or depression without any triggers then this remedy will help uplift your spirit and allow you to find inner joy by bringing back a sense of lightness.

Chestnut Bud –if you’re stuck in a loop of making the same mistakes over and over again and are unable to complete the learning loop, then this remedy will help you learn your lessons so you can avoid repeating the same errors. It provides you with insight and wisdom to help grow and evolve.

Over Sensitive To Influences And Ideas

Agrimony – Bach developed this remedy for people who tend to hide their true feelings behind a cheerful facade. If you are someone who appears happy and carefree on the outside but struggles with inner turmoil and emotional pain, this remedy can help you express your true emotions by providing balance in finding and being your true self.

Centaury – if you struggle with being assertive and find it difficult to say no then this remedy will help you develop inner strength to establish healthy boundaries and enable you to prioritise your well-being.

Walnut – if you’re going through significant life changes or transitions and often feel unsettled or easily influenced by others’ opinions. Then this remedy will help you find inner strength, adaptability, and protection from outside influences.

Holly – if you often tend to experience feelings of jealousy, anger or suspicion, and have a hard time trusting others then this remedy will help open your heart to love and connections by cultivating feelings of love, forgiveness, and compassion, and allowing you experience greater harmony in your relationships and inner peace.

Despondency And Despair

Larch – if you lack confidence and doubt your abilities then this remedy will help you feel more secure boost your self-esteem and allow you to take up new challenges.

Willow – if you tend to feel resentful or bitter and often find it challenging to let go of past grievances and move forward. Then this remedy will help in finding forgiveness, acceptance, and a more positive outlook.

Pine – if you are ridden with the feeling of guilt and self-blame and are often too hard on yourself then this remedy will help you let go of the unnecessary guilt, embrace self-acceptance, and cultivate a more compassionate mindset.

Oak – if you push yourself beyond your limits and your strong will often leads to neglect of your well-being then this remedy will help you avoid burnout by providing you with rest.

Elm – if you are struggling with a sense of overwhelm by all the responsibilities and are experiencing a loss of confidence then this remedy will help you regain the sense of competence and find balance in your tasks.

Crab Apple – if you are picky about cleanliness and want perfection, then this remedy will help you. A toxin cleanser, this remedy also helps in releasing your self-consciousness or thoughts related to negative body image. The remedy helps you embrace self-acceptance and helps you be less bothered about cleanliness and appearance.

Sweet Chestnut – if you feel that you have reached the absolute limit of their endurance, are experiencing intense mental or emotional anguish, and are in a state of deep despair. Then this remedy will help provide strength, resilience, and a sense of hope even in the darkest of times.

Star of Bethlehem – if you have experienced deep trauma, grief or shock and are struggling to recover from the emotional and physical distress then this remedy will provide you with comfort, healing, and a sense of inner peace.

Overcare For Welfare Of Others

Chicory – if you tend to be over-possessive and clingy in relationships and you find it hard to let go of what someone has done, or you constantly seek validation from others, then this remedy will help you develop a more selfless and nurturing attitude that will allow you to be more free and independent.

Beech – if you tend to be very critical and judgmental towards those around you have a hard time accepting differences in people, then this remedy can help you become more understanding, compassionate and accepting.

Vervain – if you have a strong sense of justice have a passionate nature and are prone to overexertion, overzealousness, and tend to push your beliefs onto others. Then this remedy will help you find balance, calmness, and a more relaxed approach to life.

Rock Water – if you have high standards and a rigid sense of self-discipline and often are too hard on yourself in your mission to strive for perfection that you deny yourself any pleasure then this remedy will allow you to be more flexible and have a balanced approach, allowing you to embrace self-acceptance and enjoy life’s little pleasures.

Vine – if you are someone with a personality that is strong-willed and dominant and has a tendency to be overly controlling or authoritative. Then this remedy will help you find a balance between assertiveness and flexibility, allowing you to lead with kindness and consideration.
